Pose Snapshot
Use a saved snapshot of a pose
Outputs a previously saved pose snapshot.
The node has two modes of retrieving a snapshot:
- First by retrieving a snapshot by name that was previously saved using Save Pose Snapshot with the same name.
- Second by using a pose snapshot variable, that can be saved to using Snapshot Pose which is independent of name. This method also has the advantage that the pose snapshot is independent of the AnimBP since it is in a variable, that can be passed around between different characters for example.
The mode can be configured in the details of the node. The details also allow access to the pose snapshot variable input which can be exposed to the graph from there for example.
A note on LODs
A snapshot only saves the bones available at the time.
If the LOD setup of the skeletal mesh removes bones, they will not be in the snapshot and instead will be displayed in their ref pose when added back again on another LOD.