The Dead Blending node is a drop in replacement for the Inertialization node and may be used instead to achieve a different blending behaviour.

Offers an alternative way to blend between animations, instead of the default crossfade, by tracking bone velocities and letting them carry over into the blend. Optionally a blend profile can be used as well. A more technical explanation of Inertialization with some nice visualizations can be found over here

By default, AnimCurves will be inertially blended as well, but the node allows specific curves to be filtered out by name. Filtered AnimCurves will then instantly change values instead of being inertially blended.

The node also allows to preallocate memory for inertialization, which avoids overhead of allocating and deallocating memory for inertial blends, but adds a slight memory cost in turn.

On inertialization requests

Inertialization requests can come from a few different places in the AnimGraph. BlendList nodes as well as state machine transitions have the option to use inertialization instead of standard blends. AnimLayer nodes don’t have this option and can only use inertialization for their blending.