Plays a given blendspace with the provided coordinates at the specified time.

Since different samples in the blendspace can have different lengths, the time is normalized (ranging from 0 to 1).

Settings include all relevant data like play rate, start position and whether the animation should loop. “Teleport to Explicit Time” is used to determine whether the node should process updating the pose from the explicit time as if it was playing the node, or whether it should jump to the timestamp. Jumping or “teleporting” will not trigger notifies and not extract root motion.

In the node creation menu this node shows up in its pure form without an associated blendspace, but also for every blendspace for the skeleton of the AnimBP in the format of “Evaluate <Blendspace>” where, if chosen, the node will have the corresponding blendspace already assigned.

This node works for both regular BlendSpace assets (2D BlendSpaces) or 1D BlendSpace assets.

A note on switching the blendspace type

When dragging a BlendSpace asset into the graph, UE wil automatically expose the correct number of coordinate inputs for the given BlendSpace. When assigning a different type of blendspace to an already existing node in an AnimBP, UE will not correctly refresh the coordinate inputs on its own though. To have access to them in the graph you need to refresh the nodes(for example by right-clicking on the node and choosing “refresh node”)

The node can be converted to a Blendspace Player with the relevant blendspace via the right click menu.

A note on converting between player and evaluator

The conversion between blendspace player and evaluator only works when a blendspace is specified.

Empty player and evaluator nodes still have the option available in the right click menu, but will not perform the conversion.